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What is High Quality Content?

Posting quality content on your social media feeds is essential to acquiring customers, retain customers and build your credibility. Businesses with high quality posts and lots of followers have more credibility than those that do not. But what are high quality posts?

The easiest way to think about this is high quality posts provide some type of value to your follower. This could be a post about a new product you are working on, or an upcoming event or showing some behind the scenes footage of the business. Make sure that your caption adequately explains what is going on in the post and engages your followers. Posts should not be too long, but need to be long enough to be clear about the post.

High quality content also include having clear images and videos. Your social media feed should not have any blurry images or videos. This is an instant turn off to potential customers and followers. Make sure spelling and grammar is correct on all posts and captions as this can make your business look unprofessional.

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Photos and videos need to be clear and captions need to be concise.

REACHur is platform that connects local social media users to local business owners to create high quality content. Local social media users will post on their personal accounts about your business.

High quality content is different for every social media page, but overall posts should be attractive, clear and have concise captions.


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